7th Surpraise – Blind Auction, 17 Oct 1519 — 17 Oct 2015

7th Surpraise – Blind Auction

Ateliê397, R. Professor Gonzaga Duque, 148, Pompeia

Ateliê397 promotes, on October 17th, starting at 7pm, the 7th edition of the blind auction Surpraise. For this edition, more than 60 artists donated works to support the program of Ateliê397 – an independent art space that promotes exhibitions, art courses and lectures, video art shows, and multidisciplinary events open to the general public.

Surpraise is a blind auction where all the works start with the minimum bid of R$ 200,00. Participants make their bids, but the author of the piece is only revealed after the final offering. It’s an opportunity to bring home works by renowned artists like Paulo Pasta, Nino Cais, Nicolás Robbio, Ana Luiza Dias Batista, Paulo Nenflidio, Flávia Junqueira, Rodrigo Bivar and Paulo Climachauska; and also to invest in new names. At 9:30pm, the auctioneer Glamour reveals all final offers, the authors’ names and the names of who will be taking home the works. After the action, an artwork will be sorted between the participants that made bids, followed by a party.

Contacts & Details
mon, tue, wed, thu, fri 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm

sat, sun

T: +55 11 3034 2132
M: contato@atelie397.com

Ateliê397, R. Professor Gonzaga Duque, 148, Pompeia

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