A Lighter Side of History: The Principles of Harmony, 28 Nov 2015 — 28 Nov 2015

A Lighter Side of History: The Principles of Harmony

National Museum of Singapore, 93 Stamford Road

Join master Goh Guan Leong as he discusses the theories and myths of feng shui in this edition of A Lighter Side of History. Feng shui is a form of Chinese geomancy, literally meaning “wind” (feng) and “water” (shui). Reactions to feng shui are often divided – some associate it with superstition, while others believe that it is rational science. Nonetheless, feng shui influences the daily lives of many Singaporeans, from their choice of residential or workplace locations to interior design and even furniture arrangement. Find out more about this intriguing field of study with master Goh!

Registration required. Please email nhb_nm_lectures@nhb.gov.sg


Contacts & Details
mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 10:00 am – 7:00 pm

T: +65 6332 3659
M: nhb_nm_corpcomms@nhb.gov.sg

National Museum of Singapore, 93 Stamford Road

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