ICA Next: Meets Ghostly Treasures with Cristina Favretto, 28 Oct 2015 — 28 Oct 2015

ICA Next: Meets Ghostly Treasures with Cristina Favretto

This members-only series offers ICA NEXT level members the unique opportunity to meet local, national, and international artists and influencers in fun and unique settings.

ICA Miami invites ICA NEXT level members and above to a special Halloween Edition of ICA NEXT:MEETS, featuring an in-depth tour of the Special Collections at the University of Miami with Cristina Favretto. As Head of the Special Collections Department, Favretto will give members unparalleled access to the spookiest, rarest, and most fascinating publications at the University of Miami.

Cristina Favretto is the Head of Special Collections at the University of Miami Libraries. Favretto has worked in a variety of bookish capacities at the Boston Public Library, Harvard, Duke, San Diego State, and UCLA, curating and building collections on zines, culinary history, surfing, and Aldus Manutius, among others. She also has had a shadow life as a performance artist and the lead singer in a post-punk cabaret band. She loves the beautiful intangibles of a library life, and in particular the marginal notes in old books, the spidery handwriting of ancient correspondence, and helping people find what they didn’t know they needed within our collections.

Contacts & Details
sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun 10/28/15 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

T: +1 305 901 5272
M: hello@icamiami.org
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