Protagonists – The Invisible Pavilion, 05 May 2015 — 05 May 2015

Protagonists – The Invisible Pavilion

Navy Officers' Club, Arsenale, Castello

These talks wish to attract the attention on the importance of dialogue on the future of the art scene of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, which doesn’t have a Pavillion this year.

The Invisible Studio session will be followed by a presentation day on  the work created during this Venetian workshop. This presentation will be accompanied by discussions and debates about the contemporary kazakh scene, with the participation of various speakers: Leeza Ahmadi, Paul Ardenne, Eric Dereumaux, Olga Kisseleva, Sarah Trouche, Vladislav Sludskii, Aliya de Tiesenhausen, Nina Mahdavi.

Contacts & Details
tue, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun 5/5/15 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm


Navy Officers' Club, Arsenale, Castello
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