Venice Agendas 2015, 06 May 2015 — 08 May 2015

Venice Agendas 2015

CZ95, Giudecca 95

The theme for this edition is Crossing Boundaries; an open brief, which considers the many ways art not only trespasses geographical territories but how it crosses cultural, political and artistic boundaries. Since 2011 Venice Agendas has also included live art presentations.

Venice Agendas at CZ95, curated by Terry Smith

Open Borders: Where are you from?
Wednesday 6 May, 10am – 11am
Moderators: JW Stella and Mark Waugh
Participants include: Maria Isobel Solberg, Lois Keidan, Kristin Tårnesvik, Tony Heaton, Sue Williamson, Angela Vettese and Ala Younis
Considers identity—do artists belong to one culture through their nationality, or are they citizens of the world? This debate asks questions about statehood, effects of global migration on cultural boundaries, and if it matters where you are from.

Closed Borders: Whose boycott is it anyway?
Thursday 7 May, 10am – 11am
Moderator: Gilane Tawadros
Participants include: Anna Bitkina, Maria Veits, Sacha Craddock, Vassiliki Tzanakou and David A Bailey
The recent questioning of geographical boundaries, both democratically and by force, and the withdrawal of support by some European countries for various International artists and institutions act effectively as a boycott with cultural events being altered by political agendas. Is this a genuine support for civil rights or a convenient way for governments to play politics with culture?

Crossing Boundaries: Speed Date
Friday 8 May, 10am – 11am
Connect in Venice. 60 questions. One hour of speed dating. 100 possible partners. An opportunity to meet one to one with some of the worlds leading artists, curators, writers and museum directors.

Border Line: Rights of Passage, curated by Jean Wainwright
Wednesday 6 May–Friday 8 May, 11am – 12pm
A unique performative publication event. 100 individual art books assembled from 24 signed prints by 24 international artists; each book is made to order and available to purchase. The artists include: Martina Bacigalupo, Roger Ballan, Behrnd Behr, Valerie Belin, Adam Chodzko, Shez Dawood, Ori Gersht, Shaun Gladwell, Glenna Gordon, Mishka Henner, Nina Katchadourian, Steffi Klenz, Martin Kollar, Karen Knorr, Sohei Nishino, Max Pinckers, Charlie Shoemaker, Heidi Specker, Laurie Simmons, Terry Smith, Julian Stallabrass, Daniel Traub, Sue Williamson and Catherine Yass.

Venice Agendas at Imagina Café, curated by Mark Segal
Wednesday 6 May, 6pm – Jon Adams
Thursday 7 May, 6pm  – Katrina Palmer
Friday 8 May, 6pm Marita – Isobel Solberg

Three artists have been selected to realise or represent the theme of Crossing Boundaries for Venice Agendas 2015. Each addresses, considers, celebrates and/or challenges single or multiple boundaries, be they neurological, physical, sculptural, geographic, fictional or actual.

Contacts & Details

CZ95, Giudecca 95
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