A Glade in the Moonlight: Exchanging Secrets, 01 Apr 2016 — 30 Apr 2016

A Glade in the Moonlight: Exchanging Secrets

Galeria Superfície, Rua Oscar Freire, 240, Jardim Paulista

This exhibition is part of a series of shows that Galeria Superfície produces with artists they admire, even if they are not part of the cast.

Ana Miguel [Rio de Janeiro, 1962] and Nazareno Rodrigues [São Paulo, 1967], friends for over 20 years, engage in a trip through the forest. The fascinating Renaissance reports of trips to Brazil, made by Jean de Léry and Hans Staden makes us mentally return to the wonderful forest. Back to the scenario we’ve wander in tales following characters in their task of transformation. Dark and scary way, mystery to be unraveled, diving into oblivion and remembrance. The historic document also goes through the dream space. The narrator, according to Walter Benjamin, “… can wander the state of a life, a life that includes not only the own experiences, but largely the experience of others”. Jeanne Marie Gagnebin in comments on the work of Benjamin highlights that the narrative would have the ethos of an open art work, that would point to a “boundless profusion of senses”. Following Walter Benjamin, we can betake to the fairy tale to free us from mythical nightmare, the dogmas that can paralyze our thinking and our actions. For “… the animal character who rescues a child shows that nature prefers to associate with the man than with the myth”. The fairy tale has taught humanity for centuries, and continues to teach today’s children, the most advisable is to confront the forces of the mythical world with artfulness and insolence.

Contacts & Details
mon, tue, wed, thu, fri 10:00 am – 7:00 pm; sat 11:00 am – 5:00 pm


T: +55 11 3062 3576
M: info@galeriasuperficie.com.br

Galeria Superfície, Rua Oscar Freire, 240, Jardim Paulista

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