Exorcism – Curating Each Other, 21 Mar 2016 — 10 Apr 2016

Exorcism – Curating Each Other

Connecting Spaces Hong Kong, G/F, Wah Kin Mansion, 18-20 Fort Street

“Exorcism – Curating Each Other” is in an attempt to free curatorship from conventions by shifting roles and practices, playfully exploring the identity of the “artist-curator”. Curators appropriate artistic strategies and artist integrate curatorial elements, making it increasingly undistinguisable between artist and curator. This exhibition embraces this trend and asks curators to pair in groups of two to produce artworks for partner’s curation and vice versa, such that each participant is as much a curator as they are an artist. By easing themselves of the responsibility to offer transcendental experiences, curators become each others’s mirrors, facing their own identity crisis, asking fundamental questions – thus expelling doubts and scratching the unspoken need to destabilise manifests.

Contacts & Details
mon, tue, wed, thu, fri 11:00 am – 7:00 pm

sat, sun

T: +852 2510 7126 / +852 2979 0028
M: connectingspace.hk@zhdk.ch

Connecting Spaces Hong Kong, G/F, Wah Kin Mansion, 18-20 Fort Street

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