Gramazio Kohler Research: Reinforce expose. The inner forms of tomorrow, 05 Apr 2017 — 06 May 2017

Gramazio Kohler Research: Reinforce expose. The inner forms of tomorrow

The exhibition presents a project by the Gramazio Kohler Research team at the ETH in Zurich, which is investigating the potential of industrial robots in architecture and digital fabrication. On display are building elements which have been robotically constructed, and subconsciously address the topic of how major shifts in design and architecture are affecting the building industry. Furthermore, the exhibition presents the historical development of steel sculptures, defying their purely functional logic.

The exhibition aims at visualizing the underlying structures of what one is unable to see from the outside, but what in fact is crucial to withholding a fundament. Destined to be hidden they are exposed, revealing the beauty of the inner forms of tomorrow.

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