Lubaina Himid: Naming the Money, 31 Oct 2019 — 23 Feb 2020

Lubaina Himid: Naming the Money

CAPC Contemporary Art Museum Bordeaux, 7, rue Ferrère

Winner of the Turner Prize 2017, Lubaina Himid is taking over CAPC’s large nave space with her iconic installation “Naming the Money“, which extends the experience of slavery to all “migrants” and calls to mind the initial purpose of the building that houses the CAPC, a former warehouse for colonial goods.

The piece consists of nearly one hundred life-size painted plywood cut-outs that bring to life African servants depicted in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century European court paintings. The artist’s practice explores the marginalization of the black diaspora in contemporary society.

Contacts & Details
T: +33 (0)5 56 00 81 50

CAPC Contemporary Art Museum Bordeaux, 7, rue Ferrère
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