Out of Hand, Out of Mind, 10 Dec 2015 — 21 Nov 2015

Out of Hand, Out of Mind

The Substation, 45 Armenian St,

Out of Hand, Out of Mind has resulted from illustrator MessyMsxi‘s instinctive drive of exploring the unfamiliar in terms of medium and display format, and the laying bare of a self-reflexive practice.

Just as the title hints at mental clutter and the loss of control, as well as the hand-made arising out of the spontaneity of an idea, this presentation of works – including largely previously unseen drawings, printed matter, hand-made artefact, digital print and animation organised according to a visual and narrative trope related to, and around, an in-situ sculptural installation – reveals the vulnerabilities of the creative process, of being human, yet also the imaginative potentials that often surpass the constraints.

Contacts & Details
mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 12:00 pm – 9:00 pm

T: +65 6337 7535
M: admin@substation.org

The Substation, 45 Armenian St,

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