Partir do Erro, 15 Oct 2014 — 22 Nov 2014

Partir do Erro

The exhibition Patir do Erro offers a reflection on the meaning of failure and its role in creative processes and the attitude in the reality.

The show is on the development of a research, conducted by Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo, about the conditions of work of the contemporary artist; together, the guest artists and the curator think of their procedures and the number of errors, and possible ways to equivocate over the failures that arise.

The exhibition opens with Pernambuco Montez Great’s works, paintings and photographs from 1972, 1973 and 2009, which doubt of the validity of Cartesian logic, when we recognize the existence of the subjective and random. This representation killing of the world opens up the space for new ideas to think, analyze and do other work.

The exhibition is organized conceptually by two points, which often cross the existence of erroneous systems, but presumed to be valid or reliable (political, economic, social); and the error as a place in the creative process between the case and the decision to change, to go above and beyond every system to open new areas of research and implementation.

Therefore, it suggests the teory that he sees the error as a quality of thought and positive action and necessary, and not as an element of control and repression.

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