Raffaela Mariniello: La Deriva del Paisaje, 26 Feb 2018 — 29 Jun 2018

Raffaela Mariniello: La Deriva del Paisaje

Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Calle Mayor, 86

The Italian Cultural Institute of Madrid presents the first solo exhibition in Spain of the artist Raffaela Mariniello within the framework of ARCO, the International Fair of Contemporary Art.

The exhibition !The Drift of the Landscape! is proposed as a retrospective of the Neapolitan artist and photographer Raffaela Mariniello, including a large group of photographic works of different sizes and light boxes. The exhibition is part of an international debate on the evolution of the urban landscape through a dynamic and diachronic exhibition of the artist’s production over the last 20 years.

Contacts & Details

Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Calle Mayor, 86
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