Richard Patterson, 13 Nov 2018 — 21 Dec 2018

Richard Patterson


The New York gallery hosts the solo show of artist Richard Patterson, who already exhibited five times with Timothy Taylor. For the occasion, Patterson presents a new large-scale painting “Christina with Yellow Shoes” which revisits some of his previous paint works. In this series, Patterson has used the same image of his wife to explore different visual aspects related to composition, scale and colour balance. Besides the painting, another image is on view portraying the influential conductor and musician Frans Brüggen, seated and playing the recorder, which recalls Yves Klein’s practice and choreographed performances. Moreover, a series of small paintings and Diasec prints is also on display, which have as subject a cast of fictional characters “The van Toojerstraap family” created by the artist, which references the culture of 18th century Northern Europe and is at the basis of several others written passages or visual works by Patterson.


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