Wall Dialogue II, 20 Jan 2017 — 20 Feb 2017
Wall Dialogue II
Atea, C. Topacio 25-Piso 1, La Merced, Centro, Cuauhtémoc
The “Wall Dialogue II” is a public event that emerges from the platform “Nuestro Barrio”, a project funded by Goethe Institute and IFA discussing city development and promoting an exchange between the independent scene of Berlin and Mexico City.
The first part of the exhibition series “Wall Dialogue” took part in Berlin in 2015, and featured amongst others the Berlin based artists Johannes Mundinger and BLO. The second edition of the dialogue will be broadened with the artist couple Billy and Mernywernz from UK, Nelio from France and La Piztola from Mexico in a public event the guest artists exchange their experiences about community based art projects with local artists.