Venezuela 2017, 13 May 2017 — 26 Nov 2017
National Participations

Venezuela 2017

Formas Escapándose del Marco

Giardini, Giardini, Castello

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela participates to the 57th Venice Biennale with a new visual poetic work by Juan Calzadilla, curated by Morella Jurado, titled “Formas Escapándose del Marco” (Shapes escaping from the frame), producing a work made of literary creation, drawing and poetry.

The exhibition reflects about poetry and boundaries between frame and content, using calligraphic bodies as surface of the canvas.
The project conceived by the artist aims to compose a calligraphic body to show solidity and gesture of drawing, of stories covering the whole surface of the canvas, but that reveal at the same time the impeccable expression of the plastic medium.

Calzadilla shows his mastery in managing the plastic medium and invites visitors to break with standard presenting plastic and writing without separate them, as a unique metaphor of the role undertaken by writing and drawing, word and sign in transforming the middle-class consciousness through art and literature.

Contacts & Details

Giardini, Giardini, Castello
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