
Wlademir Dias-Pino

Born in Rio de Janeiro, 1927 and lives in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Born in Rio de Janeiro, Dias-Pino moved to Mato Grosso as a young child and returned to the capital of Rio de Janeiro State to become one the forerunners of concrete poetry and a relevant reference for neoconcrete precepts. In this context, he realizes that his interest lies less in the meaning or the final form of a poem, but above all in the way a poem can be structured – from its materiality to the participative character of the reader – which stimulates him to create, along with other artists, the poem/process movement (1967-1972). At the same time the two movements that dominated the Rio-São Paulo axis in the 1950’s and 1960’s, Dias-Pino, together with Alvaro de Sá and other artists from states such as Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, develops this avant-garde method that rethinks poetry beyond its dimension as a linguistic sign, transforming books or any other means in poems that could be symbolically, structurally, and physically manipulated by the reader.

Casa Cidade Mundo – A Beleza Possível
The main goal of  the exhibition Casa Cidade Mundo [House City World] is to think about the issues...
03 Oct 2015 - 14 Nov 2015
Centro Municipal de Arte Hélio Oiticica
Rio de Janeiro
The infinite poem of Wlademir Dias-Pino
The Museu de Arte do Rio (Museum of Art in Rio) – MAR, under the management of Instituto Odeon, presents...
01 Mar 2016 - 05 Jun 2016
Rio de Janeiro
Lugares Do Delírio
Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR) presents “Lugares Do Delírio”, a group exhibition curated by Tania...
07 Feb 2017 - 10 Sep 2017
Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR)
Rio de Janeiro
AI-5 50 Anos – Ainda Não Terminou de Acabar (Al-5 50 years old – It’s not over yet)
The exhibition is a response to the 50 years of Ato Institutional n°5, the milestone of the totalitarianism...
04 Sep 2018 - 04 Nov 2018
Instituto Tomie Ohtake
São Paulo
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