Art cluster

The Fridge

Founded in 2007 by the musician and performer Shelley Frost, the space provides a platform for varied and culturally sensitive entertainment

Alserkal Avenue, Warehouse #5 Street 8 / Street 17, Dubai, UAE

Founded in 2007 by Shelley Frost, The Fridge brings expertise to the region’s performing arts scene and is a provider of diverse and culturally sensitive entertainment. The Fridge has a varied programme of performance of talented musicians and performers. The agency also provides in-house sound mixing, costuming and live support technical teams. The Fridge is an innovator in its field and the award-winning production team creates original bespoke shows for theatres, festivals, nightclubs, and exhibitions as well as conceiving and staging its own productions.

Contacts & Details
T: +971 4 347 7793
W: The Fridge

Alserkal Avenue, Warehouse #5 Street 8 / Street 17, Dubai, UAE

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