Artists Studios

Michele Tiberio Studio

Via Nicoló Garzilli 26

Michele Tiberio is a Palermitan artist, basing his research in his studio in Via Niccolò Garzilli. The artist experiments with sculpture and installations concentrating on process and unexpected results. In his work, the necessity for control is strongly pushed aside to instead leave space for the possibility of chance and the unforeseen. This process involves the artist, the viewer, but most of all the material; Tiberio investigates the multiple possibilities of adaptation and coexistence. This process becomes a metaphor for the life we continuously confront, creating conditions that we must trust and unknown results that we must accept.

Contacts & Details
mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun

T: +39 328 132 3081
W: Michele Tiberio Studio

Via Nicoló Garzilli 26

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