Cultural Institutions

CUT – Circuito Urbano Temporaneo


CUT Circuito Urbano Temporaneo investigates the contemporary world using artistic and environmental means as engines of awareness, regeneration, aggregation and participation. It stimulates a reflection upon the codes that regulate society and aims the growth of a collective sense of citizenship. It promotes the territory and enhances people by aiming for training through contemporary art, the dissemination of good practices. CUT | Temporary Urban Circuit is committed to re-reading and regenerating areas in a state of non-use and residual spaces through the activation of educational, didactic, relationship and social inclusion processes. It constitutes an independent reality, realizes autonomous projects of contemporary art, artistic residences, activation of urban gardens, public art and community projects.

Contacts & Details
T: +39 329 3233936
W: CUT – Circuito Urbano Temporaneo


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