Studio Corte 17
Located in Corte di via Genova
The research of Studio Corte 17 focuses on a constant investigation of new experimental artistic practices and studies the industrial landscape of the city of Prato. The project was born inside the former Lanificio Bini industrial space. From 2005 to 2008 it functioned as Chiara Bettazzi’s artist studio, but over time it became a research project run by young creatives who currently enlive this former abandoned industrial place.
From this regeneration experience, the idea of founding Corte di Via Genova was born. Today SC17 is a research project attentive to the contradictions of the landscape and the hybrid formats of sharing, which materialize in projects related to contemporary art and industrial archeology. SC17 directs the following projects: Tuscan Art Industry, Industrial Heritage Map, Vegetable Garden.