
Fonds d’art contemporain de la Ville de Genève – FMAC

The Fund is part of Geneva's ambitious and dynamic policy to support local artists.

Rue des Bains 34, Geneva, Switzerland

Since the beginning, in 1950, the Fonds d’art contemporain de la Ville de Genève (FMAC) has the double objective of developing art in public spaces on one hand, and on the other hand to promote local artists trough the acquisition of their work in order to constitute a public collection.

The city of Geneva realised around 290 artistic interventions to enhance the diversity of contemporary artistic experimentations.

Contacts & Details


Only by appointment

T: +41 22 418 45 30
W: Fonds d’art contemporain de la Ville de Genève – FMAC

Rue des Bains 34, Geneva, Switzerland

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