
Cc Foundation Space II

Room 101, Building 15, No. 50 Moganshan Road

Cc Foundation is founded and supported by young collector David Chau.
The foundation supports the creative development of emerging artists and promotes art practices of various media, as well as the general working environment of art professionals, regarding enhancing the professional development of Chinese contemporary art industry as a long term goal, and achieve an art foundation with global impact.


Cc Foundation Space II M50, Shanghai
This space takes the floor area over 200 square metres, located at No. 50 Moganshan Road on the south bank of the Suzhou Creek and covers about 6.6 acres of ground. In recent years, the M50 design alliance, Creative M50, M50 design incubator and other related derivatives have gradually become core businesses for the M50 brand. Transformed from a traditional industrial zone and developed during a new round of industrial readjustment, after 10 years of arduous work, M50 has become the symbol of “art, creativity and life” in Shanghai.

Contacts & Details
mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Room 101, Building 15, No. 50 Moganshan Road

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