Eastwards Prospectus
Eastwards Prospectus was founded in 2014 by Andrei Breahnă, cultural manager, art dealer and art collector and Raluca Şoaita, architect and art collector
Eastwards Prospectus was founded in 2014 by Andrei Breahnă, cultural manager, art dealer and art collector and Raluca Şoaita, architect and art collector. Eastwards Prospectus is a contemporary art gallery which defines its activity on the international art market, focusing on the contemporary artistic production from (and upon) Eastern Europe. The gallery’s choice is inspired by the artistic potential of this multicultural area which reflects plural contexts, mentalities, histories and local artistic languages.
Eastwards Prospectus canvasses the artistic production from (and upon) Eastern Europe in order to identify the artists from this area whose practice preserves its singularity, its aesthetic and discursive power of fascination at an international level.
thu, fri, sat 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
sun, mon, tue, wed
M: contact@eastwardsprospectus.com
W: Eastwards Prospectus
Plantelor Street 50, district 2