
Chatterjee & Lal

Founded in Mumbai in 2003

01/18 Kamal Mansion Floor 1 Arthur Bunder Road Colaba

Chatterjee & Lal was founded with the specific aim of providing a platform for artists emerging onto the scene at that time. The gallery has subsequently broadened its remit to exhibit historical material. The partners of Chatterjee & Lal are leading valuers and consultants to a number of the largest corporate art collections in South Asia.

Gallery artists show globally and the gallery itself is an active participant in select art fairs and gallery exchanges. The directors often write on art for national and international publications, and are published authors.

Contacts & Details
tue, wed, thu, fri, sat 11:00 am – 7:00 pm

mon, sun

T: +91 22 2202 3787
W: Chatterjee & Lal

01/18 Kamal Mansion Floor 1 Arthur Bunder Road Colaba

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