
Satelit Gallery

Gallery of the Slovak Design Center

Kollárovo nám. 10

Satelit is a new exhibition and contact point through which the Slovak Design Center sends messages into the outside world about current matters in the sphere of design.
A self-disposed space promises a more flexible and generous form of exhibiting activities and presentations, workshops, discussions, or professional seminars. The exhibition plan of Satelit counts with exhibitions mapping the current happening on the Slovak scene, and not only in professional circles, but within the student production as well. Moreover, the space also creates possibilities for regular organising of exchange with foreign organisations, whether exhibitions, or research projects, and it is also open for host events, which means also events overlapping into other art branches.
Aside from that, Satelit is also a place of contact for people interested in obtaining information about design theory and practice. Old and new issues of the Designum magazine and other SCD publications are there available and acomputer terminal will enable internet access and an SCD on-line catalogue.

Contacts & Details
tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm


T: +421 918 110 247
W: Satelit Gallery

Kollárovo nám. 10

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