
Lo Schermo dell’Arte

Via della Fonderia 51, Florence, Italy

Founded in Florence in 2008, Lo Schermo dell’Arte is a no-profit initiative which, over the years, has collaborated with numerous Italian and foreign institutions, art centers, academies and universities.
Among its projects: Lo Schermo dell’Arte Film Festival, an international event that presents a selection of the best recent production of artist films and documentaries on contemporary art, video installations, meetings with artists, authors and curators; VISIO European Program on Artists’ Moving Images, a workshop for artists under 35 who work with moving images, selected with an open call in collaboration with some of the most important academies, art schools and residences for European artists. Since 2012 it has been held annually as part of the Film Festival; FEATURE EXPANDED European Art Film Strategies, a six-monthly training programme for artists who wish to make their first feature film, in collaboration with HOME Manchester, with the support of Creative Europe / MEDIA; PROJECTS a series of film reviews dedicated to Italian and foreign institutions, contemporary art centers, universities, academies of fine arts, schools; PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION of artist films on the Italian circuit; ARCHIVE, online archive of the films presented in the various editions of the Festival with credits and synopsis.

Contacts & Details
W: Lo Schermo dell’Arte

Via della Fonderia 51, Florence, Italy

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