Tusciaelecta - Dacia Manto, Claudeopsis. Lo sguardo di Claude, 2013
Public Art Projects
Tusciaelecta – Dacia Manto, Claudeopsis. Lo sguardo di Claude, 2013
Tavarnelle Val di Pesa, FI, Italy
Conceived in 1996 by Fabio Cavallucci and Sergio Bettini and curated since 2002 by Arabella Natalini, Tusciaelecta is a public art event aimed at producing a model of redefinition of the landscape and urban fabric through the insertion of contemporary works of art in Chianti. This artwork by Dacia Manto “Claudeopsis” drew inspiration from the “Claude Glass”, an ancient optical device named after the painter Claude Lorrain, and which was used in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by the artists for the rendering of the landscape, bringing it up to date.
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