Public Art Projects

Selva di Sogno – Dreamwoods

Podere San Giorgio, Cotorniano, Casole d’Elsa, Siena, Italy

Selva di Sogno – Dreamwoods is a magical oak wood of 10 Hectars (or 20 acres) with ca. 240 sculptures of natural stones and other found materials – a very unique experience for art, nature and meditation lovers. The area confines to communes of Sovicille and Chiusdino. Sculptures are made by Deva Manfredo, who assembled them only by using the forces of balance and gravity never modifying the materials. These works are placed inside a path-labyrinth that can be visited in two hours, and being an open-air art space it is the perfect solution to make children approach the world of art, which can play also in a stone-laboratory.

Contacts & Details

March – Nov
Sat – Sun 10am – 6:30pm
Tue, Fri 1pm – 6pm

T: +39 333 4330183
W: Selva di Sogno – Dreamwoods

Podere San Giorgio, Cotorniano, Casole d’Elsa, Siena, Italy

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