fanfare inc. Tools
fanfare inc. Tools is organised by fanfare. It is an annual creative investigation into the conditions of nomadic design labour. The second issue of fanfare inc. focuses on instruments that support contemporary creative labour. fanfare inc. is released as a catalogue, a podcast, a website, and on location as an active installation providing a spot to lounge, to recharge, and to engage conversation. During the opening days of Manifesta an active programme of local interviews, podcasted talkshow, and free communal breakfasts will take place within the frame of the research and direct a threefold focus to the context of Palermo, nomadic networks, and platforms and collaboration.
The fanfare display is open from 13th – 17th of June from 10 AM – 15PM, and breakfast and podcast session will take place the 13th 14th and 16th of June from 10AM.
After the opening moment you may find the palermo podcast and other recorded conversations in the series online, or throughout the city of Palermo.
Artists include:
Deborah Bowmann (FR/BE), Macguffin Magazine (NL), Cosmos Carl (UK), Felix Salut (DE), Werker Magazine (ES/NL), Nam Hee Ji (KO), João Roxo (MOZ), Hackers and designers (NL), Agustina Woodgate (AR), Recetas Urbanas (ES), Adolfobooks (ES), Ceel Mogami de Haas (BW), Giulia Crispiani (IT)Knoth & Renner (DE), Miron Galic (BD), O Hezin (KO), Radio EE (AR)
Piazza Meschita, Via Lampionelli 31, Piazza Meschita