MIGRA-N-TI. Practical and Symbolic Experiments in Design, 06 Jul 2018 — 03 Aug 2018
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MIGRA-N-TI. Practical and Symbolic Experiments in Design

Monastero dei Benedettini di San Nicolò l'Arena, Piazza Dante Alighieri 32

Organised by Abadir www.abadir.net

The issue of migration is one of the most controversial in recent history. Sicily, as a border, experiences the plight of countless boatloads of migrants reaching the coast on a daily basis – their first haven in the “new” world. Abadir is a design school based in Catania. In 2017, the entire academy was dedicated to studying the phenomenon of migration and worked alongside local reception centres to develop a series of projects celebrating the meeting of different cultures.

Contacts & Details

Monastero dei Benedettini di San Nicolò l'Arena, Piazza Dante Alighieri 32
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