Helen Sear, … the rest is smoke, 09 May 2015 — 22 Nov 2015
Collateral Events

Helen Sear, … the rest is smoke

Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, Fondamenta San Gioachin, Castello 450

Helen Sear has been selected to represent Cymru yn Fenis/Wales in Venice at the 56th International Art Exhibition, the Venice Biennale. Wales’ first solo presentation by a female artist is led by Ffotogallery; the national development agency for photography and lens-based media in Wales, who will be working with Stuart Cameron, curator of Helen Sear’s first major exhibition at Chapter, Cardiff and longstanding supporter of her work.

Known as one of Wales’ most significant contemporary artists, Helen Sear’s practice can be characterised by her exploration of the crossover between photography and fine art, her focus on the co-existence of the human, animal, and natural worlds. With an exemplary track record for producing high quality, conceptually rigorous work, Helen Sear’s current work shows particular maturity and sophistication, seamlessly moving between expanded notions of photography, sculpture and video, with the artist exhibiting great command of different materials and production processes.

Contacts & Details

Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, Fondamenta San Gioachin, Castello 450
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