Roberto Sebastian Matta. Sculture, 09 May 2015 — 15 Oct 2015
Collateral Events
Roberto Sebastian Matta. Sculture
Giardino di Palazzo Soranzo Cappello, Giardino di Palazzo Soranzo Cappello, Soprintendenza BAP, Santa Croce, 770 (Fondamenta Rio Marin)
The 56th Venice Biennale homages one of the protagonist of the XX century art: Robert Sebastian Matta. Included among the collateral events of the International Art Exhibition, this show – promoted by the Echaurren-Salaris Fondation in collaboration with the Galleria d’Arte Maggiore of Bologna, curated by Flaminio Gualdoni and Alessia Calarota – focuses on the sculptural production of this great artist, in order to permit a more thoughtful interpretation of his all career, in an exclusive setting, the Giardino di Palazzo Soranzo Cappello, the headquarter of the Soprintendenza per i beni architettonici e per il paesaggio per le province di Venezia, Belluno, Padova e Treviso – MIBACT.
Contacts & Details
Giardino di Palazzo Soranzo Cappello, Giardino di Palazzo Soranzo Cappello, Soprintendenza BAP, Santa Croce, 770 (Fondamenta Rio Marin)