Vertical Fabric: Density in Landscape, 26 May 2018 — 25 Nov 2018
Collateral Events

Vertical Fabric: Density in Landscape

Campo della Tana, Arsenale, Castello 2126 (Campo della Tana)

Promoter: Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Responding to the theme of freespace of 2018 Venice Biennale, the Hong Kong exhibition “Vertical Fabric: Density in Landscape” celebrates the unique urban conditions of Hong Kong and explores the notion of freespace within the controlled vertical towers. By installing 100 towers marching along the venue’s courtyard extending into exhibition rooms, the exhibition illustrates the compactness of Hong Kong’s urban form. Walking in-between towers through this miniature city, visitors experience the city’s spaces of vertical intensity, and discover the unique interpretation of freespace through the design of each tower. Intersected by landscape of hills and water as well as urban infrastructures, the exhibition also highlights modes of horizontal networks supporting the vertical fabric.

Contacts & Details

Campo della Tana, Arsenale, Castello 2126 (Campo della Tana)
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