Demented Diamond: Axis Mundi
AXIS MUNDI (omphalos for Sydney)
For a multi channel video and at least one rotating object.
The center of the world is apparently no longer in the train station in Perpignan, neither is the navel of the world any longer the one of Sigmund Freud, instead the world will now for a short while revolve around the person standing on a small pedestal at Ausstellungsraum Klingental in Basel.
Axis mundi is a balancing and calibrating apparatus where the viewer gets to choose a viewpoint from the inside or outside, stand straight and be carried away by the flux; where the axis is irregular but the mantle velocity a constant; where the circle is both skewed and “ovular” (there’s no such word).
The installation is part of a series of works by Ragnar Helgi Olafsson which he refers to as failed attractions at an unpopular philosophical theme-park. Other works from the series are Echo Homo (2001), PetSounds (2002), Immigrant Song (2004) and Rear View Mirror (for Walt Disney and Martin Heidegger) (2006).
This site-specific video-installation was first exhibited at the Reykjavik Art Museum in 2013. Now as then, the piece (if it doesn’t turn out to be a terrible blunder), is dedicated to Sydney Houillier (1965-2001).