Restauro by Jorge Menna Barreto @ the Serpentine Galleries
Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, in partnership with the Serpentine Galleries in London, has invited the artist and researcher Jorge Menna Barreto to develop a new version of his “Restauro“ project in the UK.
The program of the artist’s work presentation includes:
2-3pm Go Wild, Eat Wild: All participants and the public are invited to feast on dandelion ice cream, made from a specially created recipe inspired by the wild edibles that grow in Hyde Park.
3-3.30pm Food In The Expanded Field: A discussion with those who proposed the event (drawing teacher, botanist and artist) about foraging, drawing, site-specificity and locavorism.
3.30-4pm Take a Walk on the Wild Side: A wild edible walk with Wild Food Forage.
4-5pm If You Haven’t Drawn, You Haven’t Seen: A short drawing workshop on wild edibles, in partnership with the School of Botanical Drawing – Kew Gardens.