Tania El Khoury: As Far As My Fingertips Take Me
Tania El Khoury presents “As Far As My Fingertips Take Me”, a conversation through a gallery wall between an audience member and a refugee. Through touch and sound, stories of border discrimination are shared. The stories can be kept or washed away
This piece is based on the true story of a Palestinian refugee who made the journey from Syria to the UK and now works as a graffiti and stencil artist, as well as a musician and spoken word artist. Though the artist will not be in attendance at this performance as he was unable to obtain a visa to the US, his voice and story will be told through the audio portion, as another artist exacts the physical elements.
Dec 6 – 8: 5:30pm – 7:30pm and 8pm – 10pm
Dec 9: 1:30pm – 3:30pm and 4pm – 6pm
Only 4 people admitted per hour. Performance is one-on-one and lasts approx. 15 minutes. Expect some wait time until your slot begins.
Buy tickets: https://asfarasmyfingertipstakeme.brownpapertickets.com
17th Street btw Washington & Drexel Avenues