The Hidden City
Project Name: The Hidden City. A workshop, a series of public talks and a book
Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano and Galleria Regionale della Sicilia Palazzo Abatellis, Palermo with Accademia di Belle Arti, Palermo, Scuola Politecnica Università di Palermo, Conservatorio di Musica Vincenzo Bellini, Palermo
With Stefano Graziani curated by Cloe Piccoli at Palazzo Abatellis
The Hidden City is a workshop within and about Palazzo Abatellis. Here, thirty five young artists, architects and musicians will study and create new narratives about its stratification of cultures from the Middle Ages, to the intervention by Carlo Scarpa up to the present day. Every evening, special guests will engage the public with talks on ‘the contemporary narrative’. A book of stories, history, images, facts and fiction, past and future of The Hidden City will be published next winter.
Workshop dates: 10 – 17 Sept
Public talks 10-16 Sept: 18.30 – 20.00
Workshop opening hours:
Every day 11.00-17.00
Public talks: 18.30-20.00