Espaços do Centro: Casa de Francisca, Phosphorus e Casa do Povo, 28 Oct 2015 — 28 Oct 2015

Espaços do Centro: Casa de Francisca, Phosphorus e Casa do Povo

The theme of this lecture is the occupation of central São Paulo, considering the dynamics, proposals and objectives of two cultural spaces located in the area, Casa do Povo and Phosphorus, and Casa de Francisca, that is about to move to the region.

One representative of each space will take part in the event: Benjamin Seroussi, editor, curator, cultural manager and one of the organizer of the Casa do Povo’s renewal; Maria Montero, artist, independent curator, gallerist and founder of Phosphorus; and Rubens Amatto, cofounder of Casa de Francisca.

Contacts & Details
sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun

T: +55 11 3107 5065
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