Urban Concerns – Directing Plan: By Whom, To Whom
This edition of the series Urban Concerns approaches the advances and limitations of the most recent Strategic Directing Plan of São Paulo, approved in 2014. Speakers Guilherme Wiskik, Guilherme Boulos and Nabil Bonduki will discuss how is it possible to transform legislative guidelines into reality, and how to reach democratic goals including diverse voices, analyzing what is the real reach of a Directing Plan.
Guilherme Wisnik holds a PhD from FAU-USP, where he teaches Art History. He’s member of the Latin American Studies Association, and has published, among others, “Critical State: Adrift in the Cities” (Publifolha, 2009), and organized the publication “Contemporary Paulista Architecture Collective” (Cosac Naify, 2006).
Guilherme Boulos holds a bachelor degree in Philosophy from FFLCH-USP, is one of the leaders of the Movement of the Homeless Workers and militant for the Urban Resistance Front. He’s author of “On which side are you?: Reflections about the political and urban conjuncture in Brazil” (Boitempo, 2015) and collaborates weekly with the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo.
Nabil Bonduki is a professor at FAU-USP, municipal secretary for Culture of the city of São Paulo, referendary of the Directing Plan and city councilman from PT (Workers’ Party). He wrote, among others, “Origins of Social Habitation in Brazil” (Estação Liberdade, 2011) and “Urban Interventions in the Recovery of Historical Centres” (IPHAN / Programa Monumenta, 2012).
The event is free and tickets must be collect 30 minutes prior to the debate, that starts at 7:00 pm.
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