M+ International: The Hidden Pulse, 29 May 2019 — 02 Jun 2019

M+ International: The Hidden Pulse

Bennelong Point

Hong Kong’s new museum of visual culture M+ at the West Kowloon Cultural District is launching M+ International to broad the scope of the museum’s mission by fostering new partnerships beyond the Hong Kong region. In this context takes place “The Hidden Pulse”, a five-day programme occurring in Sidney from May 29 – June 2, 2019, as the result of the partnership between M+ International and the Sidney Opera House.

The project is part of “Vivid LIVE 2019”, the annual event of the Sidney Opera House dedicated to contemporary music, and is cocurated by Ulanda Blair, Curator, Moving Image, M+, and Sarah Rees, Curator, Contemporary Art, Sydney Opera House.

“The Hidden Pulse” is the first initiative dedicated to moving-image in the history of the festival “Vivid LIVE”. Works by major artists such as Arthur Jafa, Wu Tsang, Cheng Ran, Shao Yanpeng, Charles Atlas and Stan Douglas explore the potential of music to shape contemporary society; besides their pieces, a series of talks, live events and four free thematic screening programmes will also take place.


Save the date

M+ International: The Hidden Pulse 
In collaboration with the Sydney Opera House 
May 29–June 2, 2019 

Sydney Opera House 


Contacts & Details

Bennelong Point
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