A night in Broosistan, 14 Nov 2015 — 15 Nov 2015

A night in Broosistan

Dorsoduro 265

From 14th of November the Belgian artists Dirk Schellekens and Bart Peleman will be around “calli” and canals in Venice for three artistic performances that invite a wide audience to reflect on issues such as geopolitical developments , migration and identity .

The nomadic country Broosistan is a small state no larger than 10 m² , has no permanent inhabitants , no boundaries , no laws , only art , the grass greener on the world and the highest gross national happiness .

On 14th November 2015 there will be an opening party at S.a.L.E. Docks, Venice, to celebrate the arrival of Broosistan in Venice, with poetry, art, dance and music of Dome Bulfaro, Alessandro Burbank, Paolo Agrati, Ballets Confidentiels, Ronin, DJ Lecri, Riccardo Tosetto, Andrea Morucchio, David dalla Venezia, Deirde Kelly, Elisabeth Roggeman

Contacts & Details
sat 11/14/15 9:00 pm – 12:00 am; sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun 11/15/15 12:00 pm – 10:00 pm


Dorsoduro 265
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