Belligerent eyes presents “Habeas Corpus”, 12 Jul 2016 — 12 Jul 2016

Belligerent eyes presents “Habeas Corpus”

On Tuesday, July 12 the Ca ‘ Corner della Regina becomes the home to an attempted merger between neuroscience and dramatic arts. The French actress Stacy Martin, along with other actors from international institutions, will participate in a performative exercise overseen by Vittorio Gallese, cognitive scientist whose work was fundamental in the discovery of mirror neurons and the development of a theoretical model of cognition social and embodied simulation theory. Each 40 -minute session includes the involvement of 4 viewers.

Public meeting Habeas Corpus | Bodies performative exercise with Vittorio Gallese and Stacy Martin
Tuesday, July 12 ( 9:30 to 18:30 hours)

Contacts & Details
T: +39 02 5666 2634
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