Experimental Video Architecture – EVA
Isolab presents the third edition of EVA – Experimental Video Architecture, bringing together a selection of videos that explore the theme of architecture from its very definition. EVA has an itinerant format and is organized by Filmessay (www.filmessay.com). The two past editions took place at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina in Serbia (2011) and at the the Move Cine Arts Festival in San Paolo, Brazil (2013).
EVA aims to offer a large spectrum of viewpoints and experimental thoughts questioning the city and its architecture. Different ways to represent, construct, modify, describe, investigate the spatial dimension of reality. Man’s freedom is constitutive of its biological insufficiency. Being open-ended instinctively he becomes technical. The decay of the Aristotelian division between logical and beautiful, and the progressive fusion of the human with the technological, are two essential features of our complex contemporary. The architecture results in a genetic instinct with an undetermined destination.
The video screenings will take place on June 3, 10 and 17; hours TBC