M–L–XL & Luca Lo Pinto: Breakfast Pavilion, 10 May 2017 — 12 May 2017
M–L–XL & Luca Lo Pinto: Breakfast Pavilion
A plus A, Calle Malipiero, San Marco 3073, 30124, Venice, Italy
During the opening days of the 57th Venice Biennale A plus A will be transformed into an informal cafe and curatorial project by M–L–XL and Luca Lo Pinto that aims at merging two worlds: art and design.
In Italy breakfast is one of the most important moments of the day and it’s a social time. During each of these three days, the three invited artists (Anna Sophie Berger, Olaf Nicolai, Nicole Wermers) will prepare and perform a unique breakfast for their hosts from 9am to 12pm,
From 12 am to 7 pm the gallery will be open to public that will have the opportunity to visit the space, drink a coffee or eat a slice of cake or have a meeting.