OLHO, 17 Jan 2017 — 19 Jan 2017


OLHO is a project created in 2014 by Alessandra Bergamaschi and Vanina Saracino, and explores the tight relationship between video art and cinema . The exhibition is on view for just two days, from the 17 to 19 January, in the special venue of  Teatrino Palazzo Grassi and features a selection of video installation already exposed in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paolo.

On January the 17th the program includes talks and Video Projections starting from 5:30pm :

The Column, Adrian Paci, 2013, 26’
NYC Symphony, Reynold Reynolds, 1995, 9’
A Familia do Capitao Gervasio, Tamar Guimaraes and Kasper Akhøj, 2013, 17’
RWY, Pietro Fortuna, 2013, 2’
Per Speculum, Adrian Paci, 2006, 7’
Burn, Reynold Reynolds and Patrick Jolley, 2002, 10’
A Vicious Undertow, Jesper Just, 2007, 10’

Wednesday 18 features Video Projections starting from 6:00 pm:

Nummer Zeven, Guido van der Werve, 2007, 3’
Uraniborg, Laurent Grasso, 2012, 16’
Six Easy Pieces, Reynold Reynolds, 2010, 10’
Giant, Salla Tykkä, 2013, 13’
Nummer Zes, Guido van der Werve, 2006, 17’
Altar, Pietro Fortuna, 2013, 2’
Canoas, Tamar Guimaraes, 2010, 13’
Seven Days Till Sunday, Reynold Reynolds, 1998, 7’
Brisas, Enrique Ramirez, 2008, 12’

The artist Reynold Reynolds will present his new movie

Thursday 19 features Video Projections starting from 6:00 pm :

Piktori, Adrian Paci, 2002, 4’
Studio Visit, Pietro Fortuna, 2013, 4’
Schlieren Plot, Mario Garcia Torres, 2007, 30’
Nummer Twee, Guido van der Werve, 2006, 3’
Llano, Jesper Just, 2012, 8’
Lasso, Salla Tykkä, 2000, 4’
Un Hombre que Camina, Enrique Ramirez, 2014, 22’
Soleil Noir, Laurent Grasso, 2014, 12’

The artist Salla Tykkä will be present at the screenings

Contacts & Details
Mon – Sun 10am – 7pm
T: +39 041 2401 308
M: info@palazzograssi.it

Pinault Collection – Palazzo Grassi, Campo San Samuele 3231

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