Joana Moll, Vidya Kelie: female perspectives on technology, 12 Jun 2022 — 24 Jul 2022

Joana Moll, Vidya Kelie: female perspectives on technology

Double show by artists Joana Moll and Vidya Kelie: female perspectives on technology.

Symbiont Space, Riehenstrasse 6, 4058 Basel, Svizzera

During Art Basel, symbiont space is showing two works on the nature of technology and techniques of the natural.

Joane Moll‘s work “Inanimate Species” reflects on the consumption of resources by digital hardware and places the rapid development in the chip market in a critical relationship to the decline in biodiversity. Aesthetically, the installation is oriented towards insect collections in the cabinets of natural history museums. In “Hope Motion”, Vidya Kelie lets the forces of attraction between two magnets perform a suggestive dance. What secret rules do the elegant movements follow – are there really only physics and chance at work?


Contacts & Details

Symbiont Space, Riehenstrasse 6, 4058 Basel, Svizzera

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