Maki Na Kamura: SEEN – by a painter, 12 Jun 2017 — 30 Sep 2017

Maki Na Kamura: SEEN – by a painter

Galerie Knoell, Luftgässlein 4, Basel, Luftgässlein 4, Basel, Switzerland

The artist has developed a very unique and individual artistic style, which can be described as contemporary but still rooted in historical grounds. Painting as a medium, its limits and the development of its definition, is the focal point of the concept artist’s work. Her works are inspired by the style of Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, “the painter” of the French 19th century, a symbolist who is known for his mural paintings. In her own works, Maki Na Kamura is carefully studying and focusing on the French artist’s essence, however bringing it to live through her own vivid compositions. Meticulously selected colors melt into each other, almost forming a swirl into the unknown. A constant movement, floating between different time periods, styles and the questioning of certainties.

Contacts & Details
Tue – Fri 2pm – 6pm; Sat 11am – 4pm
T: +41 61 692 29 88

Galerie Knoell, Luftgässlein 4, Basel, Luftgässlein 4, Basel, Switzerland

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