Christian Fogarolli: Breakdown, 01 Jun 2024 — 27 Jul 2024

Christian Fogarolli: Breakdown

Galerie Mazzoli, Eberswalder Str. 30, Berlin

In Christian Fogarolli’s artistic practice, past and present intertwine in works that hybridize different expressive methods: photography, installation, sculpture, and painting; traces and fragments of an indefinite time bind themselves to vitreous, mirroring, metallic, organic and technological materials.

The exhibition offers the public the opportunity to interact with a body of new installation works in which the separation of body and mind, normality and deviance are questioned, with the intention of stimulating a reflection on the normative attributions of illness, marginalization and categorization in our society.

Breakdown presents a path involving the destruction of images, whether real or false; figures and features are subjected to physical strain through tools, utensils or actions that invade their surface, extracting a living matter from them.

The works exemplify the peculiar traits of the exhibition, and more in general of Fogarolli’s production as a whole, which consistently expounds a form of psychological conceptualism that is polymorphic in nature as much as it is thematically coherent.

The title of the exhibition, Breakdown, in its multiple meanings of collapse and classification, perfectly summarizes such traits.
In this new project the combination of sculpture, painting, print, and found objects allows Fogarolli to reaffirm his fascination with archival practices and human psychology, and to create a set of artworks whose originality is evident as much as is his desire to drive the public to self introspection and criticism.

Contacts & Details

Galerie Mazzoli, Eberswalder Str. 30, Berlin
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