Eduardo Basualdo, 30 Apr 2016 — 29 May 2016

Eduardo Basualdo

PSM Gallery, Schöneberger Ufer 61

Eduardo Basualdo’s studies in fine art in combination with stage design and puppeteering continue to influence his work. Basualdo creates disturbing and atmospheric interventions in space that question what is perceived, and what is sensed. Past works involved large sculptural installations that filled and engaged the entire gallery space, intimating the interiority of the objects shown. His poetic and mysterious objects such as “Razon o Fuerza” (2010) tell the stories of gaps and transitions, fostering narrative trails and associations of the imagination. Even static works like “Nervio” (2013) bear the resonance of a dramatic event. Scale often plays a significant role in Basualdo’s work, which is used as a strategy to confront the viewer with his or her own physical presence, and reflect the reaction of their body to the borders of architectural structures. “La Isla” (2006–2014) and “The End of Ending” (2012) are examples of works inspired by natural phenomenon and forces from our environment, which plunge the viewer into strangely familiar worlds.

Contacts & Details
tue, wed, thu, fri, sat 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

mon, sun

T: +49 178 78 55 167
M: office@psm–

PSM Gallery, Schöneberger Ufer 61

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