Lee Bul: Crash, 29 Sep 2018 — 13 Jan 2019

Lee Bul: Crash

Hosted at Martin Gropius Bau, Crash is the first solo exhibition dedicated in Germany to Lee Bul, one of the most important Korean artists of her generation.

The exhibition Crash expresses Lee Bul’s extensive
invetigation of the nature of bodies and how they define our experience
of the world by evoking sensations of their boundaries and borders. The
exhibition is set around the main points of her artistic career and research, from early works to most recent ones. Her performance and installation pieces explore dreams, ideals and utopias influenced by futurist theories and science fiction, bioengineering and visionary architecture. The works on display reflect Lee Bul’s humorous language and allusions to the history and politics of Korea. During her career, Lee Bul has been witness to South Korea’s evolution – from military dictatorship to democracy in perpetual confrontation with North Korea, located only kilometres away. Her works attest historical changes, as the challenges of globalisation and technical progress, but also to the pursuit of ideals of human and social perfection, and their potential failure.

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